ADS Endpoint Configuration Challenges and Hints

  1. Ensure the hostname entry is a FQDN or alias. It can not be an IP address if MS Exchange is to be managed through this connector, due to conflict with Kerberos authentication and IP addresses. If the object was created with an IP address, it may be changed via Jxplorer for two (2) attributes: eTADSprimaryServer and eTADSServerName.

2. General Information on the ADS Endpoint Logging Tab and where this information is stored. Only two (2) the Destination have value with current deployment, e.g. Text File & System Log (MS Windows Event viewer) for Active Directory (ADS). The “Text File” will output data to two (2) files: jcs\logs\ADS\<endpoint-name>.log and ccs\logs\ADS\<endpoint-name>.log

3. Use the MS Event Viewer on the ADS Domain Controller, or use the MS Event Viewer to remotely view the transactions on the remote ADS DC. Select the event codes of 627,628,4723,4724,4738 to start with. Other codes may be added that are useful. Ref:–events-to-monitor

4. Additionally, the User ID may be in one of three (3) formats: UPN (serviceid@exchange.lab), NT ( domain\serviceid ), LDAP DN ( cn=serviceid,ou=people,dc=exchange,dc=lab). We recommend UPN or NT format to allow the embedded API features for MS Exchange powershell management to correctly function. If the ID is to be changed, a password update must be done as well, since the User ID is part of the seed for the encrypted password for the service ID to be stored in CA Directory on the ADS endpoint object.

5. SASL versus TLS authentication checkboxes. We can tested the ADS authentication availability using ldapsearch binary. Ports used by Active Directory for authentication by client tools,

Note: SASL is encrypted traffic. If wireshark is used to intercept the traffic, the service ID may be seen during initial authentication, but NOT the password nor the payload data.

Notes on SASL validation for Active Directory. {Pro: No need to worry about TLS certificates rotation on client connections – all TLS is managed by the server}

:: Search ADS / LDAP store what is offered for SASL (use -x for simple connection)
ldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -b “” -LLL -s base supportedSASLMechanisms


[root@oracle ~]# ldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -b “” -LLL -s base supportedSASLMechanisms
supportedSASLMechanisms: GSSAPI
supportedSASLMechanisms: GSS-SPNEGO
supportedSASLMechanisms: EXTERNAL
supportedSASLMechanisms: DIGEST-MD5

:: On Linux OS, execute rpm -qa to search for SASL installed modules/libraries.
rpm -qa | grep cyrus


[root@oracle ~]# rpm -qa | grep cyrus

:: On Linux OS, install missing SASL libraries & ldapsearch (ldap-client)
yum -y install cyrus-sasl-md5 cyrus-sasl-gssapi openldap-clients

TESTING DIFFERING AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS #### (may remove -d9 debug switch to view cleaner results)


LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -d9 -LLL -H ldaps:// -w CAdemo123 -D “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=lab” -b “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=lab” -s base userAccountControl

Start TLS

LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -d9 -Z -LLL -H ldap:// -w CAdemo123 -D “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=lab” -b “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=lab” -s base userAccountControl


ldapsearch -d9 -LLL -H ldap:// -w CAdemo123 -Y DIGEST-MD5 -U Administrator -b “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=lab” -s base userAccountControl

Kerberos (GSS)

ldapsearch -d9 -LLL -H ldap:// -w CAdemo123 -Y GSSAPI -U Administrator -b “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=lab” -s base userAccountControl

6. TCP/UDP Ports required for Active Directory Endpoint management per CA Documentation

SASL appears to connect on TCP 636 briefly, then use TCP 389 extensively. Other ports are 80 (Service), 135 (lsass.exe for home folders), 6405 (lsass.exe). If Kerberos authentication is defined for the service ID, then other ports will be used, e.g. 3268/3269. TCP 4104/4105 are for the legacy CAM/CAFT agents (typically not used any more).

Recommendation: Add these TCP Ports to any Firewall between the IM JCS/CCS Server and the Active Directory Domain Controllers to improve performance and avoid time-out delays.

MS Active Directory References on SASL.

Parallel provisioning for Active Directory and MS Exchange mailboxes – Improve Birthright/DayOne Access

One of the challenges that IAM/IAG solutions may have is using single thread processing for select endpoints. For the CA/Symantec Identity Management solution, before IM r14.3cp2, we lived with a single-threaded connector to managed MS Active Directory endpoints.

To address this challenge, we deployed multiple connector servers. We allowed the IM Provisioning Server (IMPS) to use a built-in round-robin approach of load-balancing separate transactions to different connector servers, which would service the same Active Directory endpoints.

The IME may be running as fast as it can with its clustered deployment, but as soon as a task has MS Active Directory, and there is a bottleneck with the CCS Service. We begin to see the IME JMS queue reporting that it is stuck and the IME View Submitted Task reporting “In Progress” for all tasks. If the CCS service is restarted, all IME tasks are then reported as “Failed.”

This is/was the bottleneck for the solution for sites that have MS Active Directory for Birthright/DayOne Access.

We can now avoid this bottleneck. [*** (5/24/2021) – There is an enhancement to CP2 to address im_ccs.exe crashes during peak loads discovered using this testing process. ]

Via the newly delivered enhancement .

We now have full parallel provisioning to MS Active Directory from a single connector server (JCS/CCS).

The new attribute that regulates this behavior is eTADSMaxConnectionsInPool. This attribute will be applied on every existing ADS endpoint that is currently being managed by the IM Provisioning Server after CP2 is deployed. Note: The default value is 10, but we recommend after much testing, to match the value of the IMPS-> JCS and JCS->CCS to equal 200.

During testing within the IME using Bulk Tasks or the IM BLC, we can see that the CCS-> ADS traffic will reach 20-30 connections if allowed. You may set this attribute to a value of 200 via Jxplorer and/or an ldapmodify/dxmodify script.

echo "############### SET ADS MAX CONNECTIONS IN POOL SIZE ##################"
IMPS_USER='eTGlobalUserName=etaadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta'
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never dxmodify -H ldap://$IMPS_HOST:$IMPS_PORT -c -x -D "$IMPS_USER" -w "$IMPS_PWD" << EOF
dn: eTADSDirectoryName=$NAMESPACE,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=eta
changetype: modify
eTADSMaxConnectionsInPool: 200
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never dxsearch -LLL -H ldap://$IMPS_HOST:$IMPS_PORT -x -D "$IMPS_USER" -w "$IMPS_PWD" -b "eTADSDirectoryName=$NAMESPACE,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=eta" -s base eTADSMaxConnectionsInPool | perl -p00e 's/\r?\n //g'

To confirm the number of open connections is greater than one (1), we can issue a Bulk IM Task or use a performance tool like CA Directory dxsoak.

In this example, we will show case using CA Directory dxsoak to execute 100 parallel threads to create 100 ADS Accounts with MS Exchange Mailboxes. We will also enclose this script for download for others to review and use.

Performance Lab:


  1. Leverage CA Directory samples’ dxsoak binary (performance testing). You may wish to use CA Directory on an existing IM Provisioning Server (Linux OS) or you may deploy CA Directory (MS Windows version) to the JCS/CCS connector. Examples are provided for both OSes.
  2. Create LDIF files for IM Provisioning Server and/or IM Connector Tier. This file is needed to ‘push’ the solution to-failure. The use of the IME Bulk Task and/or etautil scripts to the IM Provisioning Tier, will not provide the transaction speed we need to break the CCS service if possible.
  3. Within the IM Provisioning Manager enable the ADS Endpoint TXT Logs on the Logging TAB, for all checkboxes.
  4. Monitor the IMPS etatrans* logs, monitor the JCS ADS logs, monitor the CCS ADS logs, monitor the number of CCS-> ADS (LDAP/S – TCP 389/636) threads. [Suggest using MS Sysinternals Process Explorer and select im_ccs.exe & then TCP/IP TAB]
  5. Monitor the MS ADS Domain via MS ADUC (AD Users & Computers UI) and MS Exchange Mailbox (Mailbox UI via Browser)


6. Perform a UNIT TEST with dxmodify/ldapmodify to confirm the LDIF file input is correct with the correct suffix.

time dxmodify -H ldap:// -c -x -D "eTGlobalUserName=etaadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta" -w Password01 -f ads_user_with_exchange_dc_eta.ldif

7. Perform the PERFORMANCE TEST with dxsoak binary with the same LDIF file & correct suffix. Rate observed = 23 K ids/hr

./dxsoak -c -l 60 -t 100 -h -D "eTGlobalUserName=etaadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta" -w Password01 -f ads_user_with_exchange_dc_eta.ldif


8. IMPS etatrans*.log – Count the number of operations per second. Note any RACE and/or data collisions, e.g. ADS accounts deleted prior to add via 100 threads or ADS account created multiple times attempted in different threads.

9. IM CCS ADS <endpoint>.log – Will only have useful data if the ADS Endpoint Logging TAB has been checked for TXT logs.

10. Finally, validate directly in MS Active Domain with the ADUC or similar tool & MS Exchange mailboxes being created/deleted.

11. Count the number of threads from im_ccs.exe to ADS – Suggest using MS Sysinternals Process Explorer tool and/or Powershell to count the number of connections.

MS Powershell Script to count the number of LDAP (TCP 389) connection from im_ccs.exe. [Note: TCP 389 is used more if the ADS Endpoint is setup to use SASL authentication. TCP 636 is used more if the ADS Endpoint is using the older TLS authentication]

Do {
(Get-NetTCPConnection -State Established -OwningProcess (Get-Process -name im_ccs).id -RemotePort 389).count
Start-Sleep -s 1
while ($i -le 5)

Direct Performance Testing to JCS/CCS Service

While this testing has limited value, it can offer satisfaction and assistance to troubleshoot any challenges. We can use the prior LDIF files with a slightly different suffix, dc=etasa (instead of dc=eta), to use dxsoak to push the connector tier to failure. This step helped provide memory dumps back to CA/Symantec Engineering teams to help isolate challenges within the parallel processing. CCS Service is only exposed via localhost. If you wish to test the CCS Service remotely, then update the MS Registry key for the CCS service to use the external IP address of the JCS/CCS Server. Rate observed = 25 K ids/hr

Script to generate 100 ADS Accounts with MS Exchange Mailbox Creation

You may wish to review this script and adjust it for your ADS / MS Exchange domains for testing. You can also create a simple LDIF file with password resets or ADS group membership adds. Just remember that the IMPS Service (TCP 20389/20390) uses the suffix dc=eta, and the IM JCS/CCS Services (TCP 20410/20411) & (TCP 20402/20403) use the suffix dc=etasa. Additionally, if using CA Directory dxsoak, only use the non-TLS ports, as this binary is not equipped for using TLS certs.

# Name:  Generate ADS Feed Files for IM Solution Provisioning/Connector Tiers
# Goal:  Validate the new parallel processes from the IM Connector Tier to Active Directory with MS Exchange
# Generate ADS User LDIF file(s) for use with unit (dxmodify) and performance testing (dxsoak) to:
#  - {Note: dxsoak will only work with non-TLS ports}
# IM JCS (20410)  "dc=etasa"    {Ensure MS Windows Firewall allows this port to be exposed}
# IM CCS (20402)  "dc=etasa"    {This port is localhost only, may open to network traffic via registry update}
# IMPS (20389)    "dc=eta"
# Monitor:  
# The IMPS etatrans*.log  {exclude searches}
# The JCS daily log
# The JCS ADS log {Enable the ADS Endpoint TXT logging for all checkboxes}
# The CCS ADS log {Enable the ADS Endpoint TXT logging for all checkboxes}
# Execute per the examples provided during run of this file
# ANA 05/2021

# Unique Variables for an ADS Domain


echo "###############################################################"
echo "###############################################################"
START=`/bin/date --utc +%Y%m%d%H%M%S,%3N.0Z`
echo `/bin/date --utc +%Y%m%d%H%M%S,%3N.0Z`" = Current OS UTC time stamp"
echo "###############################################################"
echo "" > $FILE1
while [ $counter -le $MAX ]
    n=$((10000+counter)); n=${n#1}
    tz=`/bin/date --utc +%Y%m%d%H%M%S,3%N.0Z`
   echo "Counter with leading zeros = $n   at time:  $tz"

cat << EOF >> $FILE1
dn:  eTADSAccountName=firstname$n aaalastname$n,eTADSOrgUnitName=$OU,eTADSDirectoryName=$NAMESPACE,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=etasa
changetype: add
objectClass:  eTADSAccount
eTADSobjectClass:  user
eTADSAccountName:  firstname$n aaalastname$n
eTADSgivenName:  firstname$n
eTADSsn:  aaalastname$n
eTADSdisplayName:  firstname$n aaalastname$n
eTADSuserPrincipalName:  aaatestuser$n@$ADSDOMAIN
eTADSsAMAccountName:  aaatestuser$n
eTPassword:  Password01
eTADSpwdLastSet:  -1
eTSuspended:  0
eTADSuserAccountControl:  0000000512
eTADSDescription:  description $tz
eTADSphysicalDeliveryOfficeName:  office
eTADStelephoneNumber:  111-222-3333
eTADSmail:  aaatestuser$n@$ADSDOMAIN
eTADSotherTelephone:  111-222-3333
eTADSstreetAddress:  street address line01
eTADSpostOfficeBox:  pobox 111
eTADSl:  city
eTADSst:  state
eTADSpostalCode:  11111
eTADScountryCode:  840
eTADSscriptPath:  loginscript.cmd
eTADSprofilePath:  \profile\path\here
eTADShomePhone:  111-222-3333
eTADSpager:  111-222-3333
eTADSmobile:  111-222-3333
eTADSfacsimileTelephoneNumber:  111-222-3333
eTADSipPhone:  111-222-3333
eTADSinfo:  Notes Here
eTADSotherHomePhone:  111-222-3333
eTADSotherPager:  111-222-3333
eTADSotherMobile:  111-222-3333
eTADSotherFacsimileTelephoneNumber:  111-222-3333
eTADSotherIpPhone:  111-222-3333
eTADStitle:  title
eTADSdepartment:  department
eTADScompany:  company
eTADSmanager:  CN=manager_fn manager_ln,OU=$OU,$DCDOMAIN
eTADSmemberOf:  CN=Backup Operators,CN=Builtin,$DCDOMAIN
eTADSlyncSIPAddressOption: 0000000000
eTADSdisplayNamePrintable: aaatestuser$n
eTADSmailNickname: aaatestuser$n
eTADShomeMDB: (Automatic Mailbox Distribution)
eTADShomeMTA: CN=DC001,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$DCDOMAIN
eTAccountStatus: A
eTADSmsExchRecipientTypeDetails: 0000000001
eTADSmDBUseDefaults: TRUE
eTADSinitials: A
eTADSaccountExpires: 9223372036854775807

 counter=$(( $counter + 00001 ))

#  Create the delete ADS Process
while [ $counter -le $MAX ]
    n=$((10000+counter)); n=${n#1}
    tz=`/bin/date --utc +%Y%m%d%H%M%S,3%N.0Z`
   echo "Counter with leading zeros = $n   at time:  $tz"

cat << EOF >> $FILE1
dn:  eTADSAccountName=firstname$n aaalastname$n,eTADSOrgUnitName=$OU,eTADSDirectoryName=$NAMESPACE,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=etasa
changetype: delete

 counter=$(( $counter + 00001 ))

echo ""
echo "################################### ADS USER OBJECT STATS ################################################################"
echo "Number of add objects: `grep "changetype: add" $FILE1 | wc -l`"
echo "Number of delete objects: `grep "changetype: delete" $FILE1 | wc -l`"
rm -rf $FILE2
cp -r -p $FILE1 $FILE2
sed -i 's|,dc=im,dc=etasa|,dc=im,dc=eta|g' $FILE2
ls -lart $FILE1
ls -lart $FILE2

echo ""
echo "################################### SET ADS MAX CONNECTIONS IN POOL SIZE ################################################################"
IMPS_USER='eTGlobalUserName=etaadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta'
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never dxmodify  -H ldap://$IMPS_HOST:$IMPS_PORT -c -x -D "$IMPS_USER" -w "$IMPS_PWD"  << EOF
dn: eTADSDirectoryName=$NAMESPACE,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=eta
changetype: modify
eTADSMaxConnectionsInPool: 200
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never dxsearch -LLL  -H ldap://$IMPS_HOST:$IMPS_PORT -x -D "$IMPS_USER" -w "$IMPS_PWD" -b "eTADSDirectoryName=$NAMESPACE,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=eta" -s base eTADSMaxConnectionsInPool | perl -p00e 's/\r?\n //g'

echo ""
echo "################################### CCS UNIT & PERF TEST ################################################################"
echo "Execute this command to the CCS Service to test single thread with dxmodify or ldapmodify"
echo "dxmodify  -H ldap://$CCS_HOST:$CCS_PORT -c -x -D $CCS_USER -w $CCS_PWD -f $FILE1 "
echo "Execute this command to the CCS Service to test 100 threads with dxsoak "
echo "./dxsoak -c -l 60 -t 100 -h $CCS_HOST:$CCS_PORT -D $CCS_USER -w $CCS_PWD -f $FILE1 "

echo ""
echo "################################### JCS UNIT & PERF TEST ################################################################"
echo "Execute this command to the JCS Service to test single thread with dxmodify or ldapmodify "
echo "dxmodify  -H ldap://$CCS_HOST:$CCS_PORT -c -x -D $CCS_USER -w $CCS_PWD -f $FILE1 "
echo "Execute this command to the JCS Service to test 100 threads with dxsoak "
echo "./dxsoak -c -l 60 -t 100 -h $CCS_HOST:$CCS_PORT -D $CCS_USER -w $CCS_PWD -f $FILE1 "

echo ""
echo "################################### IMPS UNIT & PERF TEST ################################################################"
IMPS_USER='eTGlobalUserName=etaadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta'
echo "Execute this command to the IMPS Service to test single thread with dxmodify or ldapmodify "
echo "dxmodify  -H ldap://$IMPS_HOST:$IMPS_PORT -c -x -D \"$IMPS_USER\" -w $IMPS_PWD -f $FILE2 "
echo "Execute this command to the IMPS Service to test 100 threads with dxsoak "
echo "./dxsoak -c -l 60 -t 100 -h $IMPS_HOST:$IMPS_PORT -D \"$IMPS_USER\" -w $IMPS_PWD -f $FILE2 "

Address the new bottleneck of MS Exchange / O365 Provisioning.

After parallel provisioning has been introduced with the new im_ccs.exe service, you may noticed that the number of transactions is still being throttled during performance testing.

Out-of-the-box MS Active Directory Global Throttling Policy has the parameter of PowerShellMaxConcurrency set to a default of 18 connection. Any provisioning that uses MS Powershell for MS Exchange and/or MS O365 will be impacted by this default parameter.

To address this bottleneck, we can create a new Throttling Policy and only assign the service ID that will be managing identities, to avoid a global change.

Example: New-ThrottlingPolicy MaxPowershell -PowerShellMaxConcurrency 100 & Set-Mailbox “User Name” -ThrottlingPolicy MaxPowershell

After this change has been made, restart the IM JCS/CCS Services, and retest again with your performance tools. Review the CCS ADS log for # of creations in 60 seconds, and you will be pleasantly surprise at the rate. The logs are the strong confirmation we are looking for.

Performance test (947 ADS accounts w/Exchange mailboxes in 60 seconds, 08:59:54 to  09:00:53) => Rate of 15 ids/second   (or 54 K ids/hr) with updated MaxPowershell = 100 thottlingpolicy.

The last bottleneck appears to be CPU availability to MS Exchange Supporting Services, w3wp.exe, the MS IIS Service. Which appears to be managing MS Powershell connections per its startup string of

" c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe -ap "MSExchangePowerShellAppPool" -v "v4.0" -c "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\GenericAppPoolConfigWithGCServerEnabledFalse.config" -a \.\pipe\iisipme304c50e-6b42-4b26-83a4-229ee037be5d -h "C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\MSExchangePowerShellAppPool\MSExchangePowerShellAppPool.config" -w "" -m 0"