This town is big enough for us all: Expanding the CA Provisioning Tier Schema to 900+ Custom Fields

Based on recent requests, we wished to revisit this “hidden” gem to expand the CA Identity Suite Provisioning schema to meet unique business requirements. Enable 100’s of SaaS and onPrem applications/endpoints for custom business logic to user’s endpoint accounts’ attributes.

Since early days of the CA Identity Suite solution (eAdmin r8.1sp2), there has been a provisioning SDK that provided an approved process to extend the CA Identity Manager’s IMPD (provisioning directory) schema from the default of 99 user custom fields to 900 additional user custom fields.   To compare, typically, the default 99 user custom fields are used with the standard 40-50 default user profile fields, e.g. givenName (First Name), sn (LastName), userID, telephone #, etc. to meet most business use-cases.

Unfortunately, this extended schema process is not well known.

The only known documentation is an embedded readme.txt within a compressed package. Occasionally there will be support tickets or community notes that request this feature as an “enhancement”.

This package is included in the Provisioning SDK download; for IM r14.3, the file name is:

Component Name: CA Identity Manager r14.3 Legacy components
File: ~ 200 MB


CA Identity Suite (Identity Manager) Provisioning Tier does NOT attempt to be a meta-directory, but act as a virtual directory to the 1000’s of managed endpoints/userstores/applications.   As long as the “explore” operation was successful, there will be a “pointer” object that references the correct location of the endpoint accounts.  And when a “correlation” operation occurs, this endpoint account “pointer” object is attached (via inclusion referential objects), to the associated global user ID.    

By using this “virtual directory” architecture, it is possible for IM business rules or 3rd party tools to directly view the 1000’s of managed endpoints “real data” and not a “stored” representation of this data.

However, some clients do wish to “collect” the native data, and store this within the IMPD provisioning store, as SNAPSHOT data, to monitor for non-approved / OOB (out-of-band) access.   If some fields are dedicated to select endpoints, the default of 99 custom fields may quickly run out.

Tackling Case-insensitivity Requirement:

Adjusting the IMPD schema for case-insensitivity; this would allow for case-insensitive correlation rules, and if the new fields are exposed to the IME, case-insensitive comparisions for business rules (PX).


The above Provisioning SDK process will build the extended eTCustomField100-999 and eTCustomFieldName100-999 attributes with case=sensitive. Interestingly, we did not identify a requirement for case sensitivity with the default custom fields, but it does appear this was a decision when the SDK was created. Please note the observation of the OOTB etrust_admin.schema file (for the IMPS data). This OOTB schema for the default custom fields displays a mix of case sensitivity for the eTCustomField00-99 and eTCustomFieldName00-99.


To address this new requirement; and to clarify there are three (3) possible deployments to enable this extended schema. We will review the pro/cons of each possible deployment choice.

Supporting Note 1:

  • eTCustomFieldXXX is the attribute that will contain a value.
  • eTCustomFieldNameXXX is the attribute that will contain a business name for this custom field.

Supporting Note 2:

The CA IM Provisioning Tier was/is developed with early x86 MS VC++ code. We attempted to use later release of the MS Visual Studio VC solution for this process but it failed to generate the output files.

Phase 1 Steps: Enhance the IM Provisioning Tier with 900 new custom fields with case = insensitive.

  1. Download & install MS Visual Studio VC 2010 Express, to have access to the ‘nmake’ executable.
  1. Update OS PATH variables to reference this MS VC 2010 bin folder
  1. Execute the nmake binary, to ensure it is working fine
    • where make & make /?
  1. Download & install CA IM Provisioning SDK on the same server/ workstation as ‘nmake’ binary.
    • IM r14.3 200 MB
  1. Open a command line window; and then change folder to the Provisioning SDK’s COSX Samples folder

cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Identity Manager\Provisioning SDK\admin\samples\COSX”

  1. Execute the gencosx.bat batch file to generate the additional schema for N attributes.

gencosx.bat 900 { Max allowed value is 900; which will generate 100-999 attributes}

The output text file: cosxparse.pty

**** The above steps only need to be executed ONCE on a workstation. After the output text file is generated, we should only need & retain this file for future updates. ****


  1. Use Notepad++ to search and replace a string in the following file, cosxparse.pty

“case=sensitive” to “case=insensitive”

{We may be selective and only replace a few attributes instead of all additional 900 attributes.}

  1. Execute the following commands to generate the binary file.
  • Use batch files to set environmental values for the nmake program.
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat“
  • Execute ‘nmake’

The new output file (binary) will be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Identity Manager\Provisioning SDK\admin\data\ cosxparse.ptt

  1. Before overwriting existing files; backup the three (3) prior files of IMPS/CCS data folder & IMPD schema folder for:
  1. Copy the file, cosxparse.ptt, to the IMPS server data folder
  1. Stop IMPS service: su – imps & imps stop
  1. Execute the follow command: schemagen -n COSX
  1. This process will create two (2) new output files:
    • etrust_cosx.dxc
    • etrust_cosx.schema
  1. Validate the two (2) new generated files have case-insensitivity set.
  1. Copy etrust_cosx.dxc to all CA Directory schema folders; including DX routers (on IMPS servers).
    • Validate this file is reference in the IMPD group knowledge schema file: etrust_admin.dxg
  1. Copy etrust_cosx.schema & cosxparse.ptt to all CA IMPS Servers, the CCS Servers’ data folders, & the CA IMPS GUI data folder.
    • Validate the file, etrust_cosx.schema, is reference in the IMPS configuration file: etrust_admin.conf
  1. Restart CA Directory and IMPS/CCS Services.
  • dxserver stop all / dxserver start all
  • imps stop / imps start
  • net stop im_jcs / net start im_jcs {this will also restart the im_ccs service}
  1. With the IMPS GUI
  • Assign a ‘business name’ to the newly created eTCustomField100+ under
    {If you do not see these newly created fields, then the IMPS GUI data folder was not updated per step 11.}
  • Validate that E&C Correlation Rules will now work for these extended fields with case-insensitivity.
  • Validate the custom fields are viewable for each Global User.

We may now STOP HERE if we do NOT need to expose these new custom fields to the IME.

Pro: Able to use customfields for account templates and correlations rules.

Con: Not exposed to IME for 1:1 mapping nor exposed for PX Business Rules.


Phase 2 Steps – Advance Configuration – Add custom fields to the IME to allow for 1:1 mapping and use of PX Business Rules.

  1. Update the JIAM (Java LDAP to IMPS API) reference file, jiam.jar, to allow the IME to manage these extended fields for PX business rules.
    • Use 7zip to extract files from jiam.jar; update the file CommonObjects.xml; then replace this file in the jar file.
    • Location of reference file: ./wildfly-idm/standalone/deployments/ iam_im.ear/library/jiam.jar
    • Location for property files to update: \com\ca\iam\model\impl\datamodel\ CommonObjects.xml
  1. Update sections after eTCustomField99 with the below data with the case insensitive.

<property name="eTCustomField100"> <doc>Custom Field #100</doc> <value default="false"> <setValue> <baseType default="false"> <strValue></strValue> </baseType> </setValue> </value> <metadata name="jiam.syncToAccounts"> <value> <boolValue>true</boolValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.modifyPrivilege"> <value> <boolValue>true</boolValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.ownerPrivilege"> <value> <boolValue>true</boolValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="isMultiValued"> <value> <boolValue>true</boolValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="beanPropertyName"> <value> <strValue>customField100</strValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.minimumAbbreviation"> <value> <intValue>10</intValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.internalName"> <value> <strValue>CustomField100</strValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.editType"> <value> <strValue>string</strValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.editFlag"> <value> <boolValue>true</boolValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.caseSensitivity"> <value> <strValue>insensitive</strValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.asciiOnly"> <value> <boolValue>false</boolValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="pt.dataLocation"> <value> <strValue>db</strValue> </value> </metadata> </property>

  1. Update the CA IMPS directory.xml as needed for some or all 900 fields.
<ImsManagedObjectAttr physicalname="eTCustomField100" description="Custom Field 100" displayname="Custom Field 100" valuetype="String" multivalued="true" wellknown="%CUSTOM_FIELD_100%" maxlength="0"/>
  1. Update the IME’s IMCD to IMPS 1:1 mappings.
    • identityEnv_environment_settings.xml

We may now stop here. The next advance configuration is only required if we wish to manage the various Endpoint Mapping Tab with the IM UI; instead of the IMPS GUI. We would consider the next Phase 3 Steps, to be low value for the effort; as this configuration is typically set once and done in the IMPS GUI.

Pro: Able to use customfields for account templates and correlations rules. Also able to map these files 1:1 in the IME for IMCD attributes to be mapped to the IMPS extended custom attributes. These IMPS extended custom attributes will now be exposed for PX Business Rules.

Con: Not exposed to IM UI to update Endpoint’s Mapping TAB for ADS and DYN endpoints.

Phase 3 Steps – IME Advanced

If planning on exposing these new custom fields in both the Endpoint’ Mapping Attribute Screen & Endpoint Account Templates via the IME, follow these additional steps:

  1. Replace commonobjects.xml in ..\Identity Manager\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\RoleDefinitionGenerator\lib\roledefgen.jar by following the steps given below:
    • rename roledefgen.jar as
    • Open
    • open com\ca\iam\roledefgen\commonobjects.xml and replace the contents with the attached/provided commonobjects.xml file
    • save the zip
    • rename the zip to jar
  2. Now roledefgen.jar will contain the commonobjects.xml file with extended custom attributes
  1. execute the below RoleDefGenerator.bat to generate jars for all the required java/Dyn endpoints
    • ..\Identity Manager\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\RoleDefinitionGenerator\bin> RoleDefGenerator.bat -d -h -u “”
  1. open the generated endpoint jars one by one and modify them by following below steps:
    • rename the original .jar as .zip
    • open framework.xml and increase the version “version=” (2nd line)
    • rename the generated .jar as .zip
    • open and copy the contents of -RoleDef.xml
    • paste the copied content in step 4 to the file -RoleDef.xml in original .zip (step 1)
    • save the original .zip and rename it to .jar
    • replace the save .jar in ..\wildfly-8.2.0.Final\standalone\deployments\iam_im.ear\ user_console.war\WEB-INF\lib
  2. restart IM and test the Custom attributes in IM web-UI

Post Update Note:

  • Validate if we may need to rebuild the IMPD DSAs (4) for existing users that may have already had these extended attributes but with case=sensitive set previously.
    • This step is not required if this is the first time the extended attributes have been deployed or if the case=sensitive has not been changed.
    • Process: Export the IMPD LDIFs, rebuild the IMPD DSA and then re-import LDIFs.